Sunday, July 11, 2010


I walk with Göksu and another one of his friends through Taksim Square. We spot a stand with a sign reading "Return to the Death Penalty for Terrorists." I find out that this is aimed at the PKK and its leaders who are in jail but will never face execution due to Turkey's abolition of the death penalty. The petition will be sent to Ankara and Erdoğan's government.

As we go through Taksim, we see a nationalist rally (the tail end of which is in this photo, for the video go to my facebook profile). The protesters are changing "Her şey vatan için...her şey vatan için." (Everything for the nation). They wave huge Turkish flags and carry a picture of Ataturk. For some, this may seem off-putting, even scary. This, after all, is a nationalist group.

But we can't see this demonstration, or nationalist feelings such as this, in terms of our own history. In fact it's a hindrance. For many Europeans, nationalism is equal to Nazism or racism. Really, that's their issue, not Turkey's. The more I stay here and talk with people, the more I am convinced that Turkey has the capacity to stand on it's own. Does Turkey need Europe? Economically maybe, but in other regards, no. Europe has become a corpse in many ways. It's overrun with snot rags who think that somehow idealism can transcend the stark realities of life. Abolition of the death penalty can somehow transcend the grief of families directly affected by terrorist acts; abolition of nationalism can somehow transcend the struggle the Turks have had to claim their position in a world that would otherwise pass them by.

Turkey must play the Europeans like a fiddle, just as much as it should play Iran and other Middle Eastern neighbors like a fiddle. The Europeans are naive if they believe all their idealism can make a difference, just as much as the Middle East is naive if they think Islam fundamentalism can ultimately achieve its aims. Turkey straddles two idealistic worlds, which if it can recognize that and play Realpolitik with it, it stands to gain everything.

Ask Cardinal Richelieu about Realpolitik, and take some heavy notes as he tells you.

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